Working hand in hand with developers, Langley Township continue to force a plan that will change the landscape of Brookswood from a community with rural (“Horse capital of BC”) roots to a crowded urban wasteland of row housing and condos just like so many other communities in the Lower Mainland. We believe Langley Township is listening to the wrong people, and we wonder if the planners and “experts” who have devised this plan actually live in this community. It seems the Township doesn't care about keeping our community a beautiful place to live, where people can own larger properties with big trees, they just care about squeezing as many people (and as many tax dollars) out of the land as they possibly can. Don't let them do this to us and our wonderful community, don't let them destroy where we live the same way they did Willoughby! We CAN stop them! Gather together to save our homes and save the brooks and woods in Brookswood. Make your voice heard. Contact the Township of Langley, attend their meetings to find out what they have planned for your neighbourhood, voice your disapproval!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Maybe the township can listen this time too.

Keeping Brookswood natural.

Now this is more like it!  Why can't the Township and the developers leave things be instead destroying nice communities.  There is no such thing as 'improvements' when the community already likes things the way they already are.

Greed supercedes residents

Dear Editor,
I glanced at the Sept. 20 Township Page [Langley Advance] and discovered an announcement for a Brookswood Community Plan workshop to "sign up" for. with location "to be provided."
Surprised, I investigated, and found it is already a done deal. Council has been dealing with this Griffith Group that has already set up the criteria for complete rezoning.
I realize that, over the year, small snippets of information have been published, and the only way to know what was going on was to attend and read all council submissions - but I obviously did not.
After living in the area for 40 years, I would have liked notice of what is going on. In a democracy, I foolishly assumed, I should have been told such massive plans were in the works with written notice.
A report to council states that "75 per cent of landowners have made submissions to change the Community Plan." As one of the remaining - ignorant - 25 per cent that does not financially benefit from land development, I suppose I have been left in the dark.
So, here we go: more greed and compliance is coming to our neighbourhood, and to heck with the riparian areas, the animals, the birds and oh, those nasty trees.

Letitia Snell,

Will destruction of Willoughby finally end?

Editor: I see in the Township page published in The Times (Sept. 20) that the Township is announcing a Brookswood/Fernridge Community Plan workshop.
It seems the developers have decided it’s time to start the clear-cutting and paving of the Brookswood/Fernridge area. I hope that means, as the bulldozers and dump trucks start making their way there, that the destruction of Willoughby will soon be coming to a stop.

Brian Johnson,

Here are some more comments on the plan...

"I can't believe this! We never received any visit from anyone either! When we were looking to buy our next home we looked in the Brookswood area for the simple reason that there are no condo complexes or millions of town homes. I love the large trees, big yards and single family homes. Just because you have over populated Walnut Grove and that area doesn't mean you have to come here and wreck our area of Langley. If people want to enjoy the peace and quiet of Brookswood come on over and keep our neighborhood the way it is. You want to cram thousands of people into a small area, find somewhere else. We don't want that kind of development here."

"We live in this area and we never received a visit from Cam to sign any petitiion. We live here because we enjoy the trees, larger lots and over all rural feeling. If we wanted to live in Willoughy we would move there." 

"Not everyone wants to live in Willoughby"That's right we don't need anymore clearcuts,pave overs,rows of ticky tacky houses here.Willoughby has been pretty well destroyed now so if the Fernridge property owners want the bulldozers heading there way and stop any more Willoughby destruction they are welcome to it.Wonder how many of the Fernridge property owners in favour live there." that a lot of you have become aware of how your TOL REALLY works - behind your backs and in complete compliance with whatever developers want, the question is "What are you all going to do about it?"

This is TYPICAL of how the Staff of the Township are running the show. Do Bakken and Bateman truly think we will believe this?  Developers are out to make money - end of story. It is Township Staff and Council's job to protect our community, not hitch their wagon to the Development Money Train.
This is appalling. I truly hope Bateman gets ousted in the next election and some people with a backbone, a brain and a heart get elected.

I agree with Mr.Chadwick. Obviously these developers only care about making money and cramming as many townhomes and houses into one area that can be allowed. Then everyone freaks out when the traffic is increased and schools are overloaded.  I don't mind new development as lond as it isn't more townhouses and condos. If you're going to do it, which it will eventually, at least make the roads and schools first. Oh ya , right. Developers don't pay for that part do they.  So it forces the township to pay for it ? The province ? taxpayers. I'd rather see the funds from our taxpayers, province and township go towards upgrading and adding on to our hospital which is a fricken joke !!, 6 hour wait min. in Emergency !!
I like Brookswood the way it is, nice parks and trail systems throughout, nice little community with limited shoping but has the things you need. I'm afraid everytime new developments are built, you're basically kicking out the residents that have lived here most of their lives. Why don't you take the actual township, i mean the people of Langley. What they want and stick to it instead of being greedy money grabbing devlopers all the time.

I think we're all onto 'the developers rule'.  It just takes a drive in the area of 208th/80th-84th to see what a mess development has caused(and this is only one example)  There are far too many vehicles for the size of the road, heck some days its stop and start from 72nd to over the freeway  Where in the he$$ does the blame lie?  If things are going to take place willy/nilly whoever, whatever, whenever, why are we paying all these staff and planners?..or is it them that's causing the mess?  I think Bozo the clown could come up with better ideas than this bunch.

ooblitz is right on with their comment below.
So my question to the Township and perhaps Mr. Bateman can give us a response as I know he comments from time to time is why does every town centre in the township have to be "urbanized" what's wrong with leaving things less developed in some areas?
The growth in Willowbrook / Willoughby happened insanely fast and now look at the problems that are occurring in those areas.
I have nothing against development when it is done with care and consideration (and when it's not on our farmland) but development because the developers want it isn't good for the citizens of this Township.
What's really going on here?

"Let's work hard to do it right"!!!!let's work hard to STOP IT.

"While the developers pay, we control." - Mark Bakken.  Don't believe a word of it! Developers pay, developers control. Mr. Bakken would like you to believe what he states, but don't fall for it! Developers have Mark Bakken et al tucked neatly into their back pockets doing their bidding, because they are the ones PAYING THE BILL! They've been doing it since development came to Langley in 2001 and nothing has changed. Why should it? Being in control is part of the development package and it works quite nicely for developers - has been for the last ten years. And on it goes.........

Hey developers, look to Brookswood

Editor: Re the “We Say” editorial in the May 31 edition, it states “This means more pressure on schools, particularly in Willoughby, which is far from being built out.”
Well Willoughby has been built out quite enough already, and doesn’t need any more development. I think it’s time that the developers now gave Brookswood/Fernridge the privilege of being clear cut and paved over.
Brian Johnson,

Langley Times - Urbanization next step for Brookswood/Fernridge

Langley Times - Urbanization next step for Brookswood/Fernridge