Working hand in hand with developers, Langley Township continue to force a plan that will change the landscape of Brookswood from a community with rural (“Horse capital of BC”) roots to a crowded urban wasteland of row housing and condos just like so many other communities in the Lower Mainland. We believe Langley Township is listening to the wrong people, and we wonder if the planners and “experts” who have devised this plan actually live in this community. It seems the Township doesn't care about keeping our community a beautiful place to live, where people can own larger properties with big trees, they just care about squeezing as many people (and as many tax dollars) out of the land as they possibly can. Don't let them do this to us and our wonderful community, don't let them destroy where we live the same way they did Willoughby! We CAN stop them! Gather together to save our homes and save the brooks and woods in Brookswood. Make your voice heard. Contact the Township of Langley, attend their meetings to find out what they have planned for your neighbourhood, voice your disapproval!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sooooo, what's up with the questionnaire?

"3. Housing Types
Which of the following statements best represent your interpretation of the types of housing included in the plan? Indicate all that apply.

There should be more emphasis on regular single family lots (4, 6, 8 or 10 upa/10-25 uph, 4-7,000 square foot lots)"

...or 20, 22, or 30...  That is quite the range for what they consider 'regular single family lots'... This process is like some sort of probe that keeps getting more invasive.  Of course if you are in charge of finessing this particular process you can formulate the questions what ever way you want.  It's called manipulation.

"5. Parks and Schools Size and Distribution
What do you think of the park and school sites included in the plan? 
Please note, park and school sites represented on the display board do not reflect exact future sites of schools and parks. These will be determined as development occurs and land acquisition permits (see symbols E, M, and S on the plan). Indicate all that apply."

I predict another mismanagement cluster on this one...  It kind of leaves things wide open to swap more school land with developers doesn't it?  Or worse...

Willoughby schools are close to crisis

By-the-way the survey will be up until April 30th and can be found here...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Growth = Money = Planners = Development

Boy!  There wouldn't be much work for planners if there wasn't much growth.  What happens to many of them when things slow down?  Do they still keep their jobs while we continue to support them with our taxes?  What about after they fill every square acre up with development?  Then what are they going to do?

I guess it's hard to be concerned about the existing people in their community when they are protecting and justifying their jobs right?

Remember the leaky condo issue?  Remember all the building envelope consultants that set-up over-night to 'solve the problems' for the stratta councils.  They cost many people allot of money too - and many of those people couldn't afford to spend that money.

I guess when there is a perceived need there will always be a crowd of people ready to jump in and capitalize on it.  This is the way I look upon planners.

Note: Planners are supposed to be the appointed guardians of the communities they serve, not autonomous destroyers.

Brookswood is a beautiful place to live - the way it is now.

Joni Mitchell:  Big Yellow Taxi
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
With a pink hotel, a boutique
And a swinging hot SPOT
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
'Til it's gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

They took all the trees
And put them in a tree museum
Then they charged the people
A dollar and a half just to see 'em
Don't it always seem to go,
That you don't know what you've got
'Til it's gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot...

Ask yourselves: what kind of legacy are you creating?


Why do you have to do this at all?  Why can't you just leave it be and let it take it's natural course?  Is it because people who own large parcels of land are hoping to become millionaires?  Is it because developers and land holding companies are hungering to make money off of the area and then move on to devour the next?

Must the entire lower mainland be ravaged this way?  Can there not be some sanctuaries?

Revised Brookswood/Fernridge plan revealed at open house

Monday, April 15, 2013

What happened guys?

When I moved to Langley in the early 90s my wife and I thought that Langley was such a nice place.  We thought that here was a place that had it together, that this place was not going to be like Surrey, or Richmond with their rapid growth and messed-up sprawl.  We thought that with a city like Surrey just next door, with it's developer pay-offs and bad planning Langley had a glaringly obvious example of what not to do.

You changed for the worse, and are becoming another Surrey.

What happened Langley?

Do all the Township planners live in Langley?

It would be discouraging to see that any one of them may live somewhere else - vested interest and such...

So... how much is this costing again?

Remember, money from public coffers is just free money right?  It's not like it's yours or something? Right??

Whoa! Population spike on a whim!

Quote from latest draft land use plan:

'Population Summary

The population forecast for the area, based on proposed Land Use Designations, is approximately 42,000 people.'


Wow!  That is quite the sudden population increase from 36,000!!  Or 33,600 or even 32,000 as stated in the questionnaire last time...

Yes, yes, it's just an estimate you say.  But if we can't trust you to come up with proper estimates what can we trust you with?  If I was managing you, we would be having a little talk behind closed doors.

It makes one wonder if the planning department really knows what they are doing.  It also shows an offensively disdainful regard for the residents of Langley, the same residents that you milk for votes and tax revenue.

The people of Brookswood were lead-by-the-nose to view a presentation involving 3 options only!  You can't combine or mix, or befuddle, blend, defuse, finesse or slime those carefully manipulated distinct options into any sort of hybrid without us howling blue murder!

Doesn't the planners and politicians understand that we (the present residents and lion share of the property owners, tax payers and voters in Brookswood) Don't want to live in high density.

You did it elsewhere don't do it here!

This gives you the appearance of being money-grubbing, crooked and OBTUSE

I feel a betrayal will be ensured when this thing (which shouldn't have been attempted in the first place) comes down the line...

Oh and by-the-way having almost half of all the undeveloped land mass in Brookswood designated 6 units (houses) per acre is a 150% increase in density compared to what exists presently in Brookswood.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Report Suspicious Activity!!

If you see people doing something that is suspicious or doesn't feel right call 911 and report it!

I can't emphasize this more.  The only way we can keep the crime (drugs) manageable in Langley is for you to get on your cell phone more and let the police know.  They wont be angry at you (if they are you can complain) and they will be directed to the problems - besides it's your taxes that are paying for them right??

You see the police are reactive, and the only way that a reactive organization can be effective is to have things pointed out to them.  Each call or 'occurrence' creates what is termed a stat or statistic.  These stats are tallied and sent to Ottawa ('A' Division Headquarters). The more stats there are the more likely Ottawa will direct resources to that community and the more likely the community will get more officers to augment its (our) inadequately manned police department.

So next time you see something suspicious CALL 911!  The police expect it and want it!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Langley: The next Skid Row...

Look alive guys!  Transients are moving in!

Having experience in these things I know you can't have a bleeding heart when it comes to this otherwise they will root themselves.  If they reject help you just have to keep pestering them to move on.    You also have to keep at the old apartment building owners to improve their buildings.

Most people moved to Langley because it is a nice place to live, that is changing for the worst due to inadequate precautionary measures, aging unkempt apartments and a somewhat tolerant and segmented population.  High rises in Langley City aren't going to help either - but they won't find that out until they're built.

If the city and the township don't act assertively much of the shady and transient aspect of lower mainland will move in and harm this community making it no longer safe for families.

These people are being pushed out of Vancouver's Downtown East side and Langley is a wonderfully attractive place for them to 'set-up-shop.'  If they are willing to accept help and become productive members of the community then fine they can stay (there are plenty of things they can do to help out) but if not they will have to move on.

Or do nothing and see what happens.

Drive around Langley City and you will see some of what I mean...

Oh, by the way, a little note to the overly sensitive people that bleed for this segment of society.  Try this test...

Approach a vagrant and instead of offering them food and/or money offer to assist them to the many services that are out there to help them.  See if they will accept the help...  If they do good for you, you helped one of them.  If not keep trying.

You see it is the hand outs that cause them to congregate in a particular area and perhaps the drugs - something I have been seeing much of lately in Langley.