Working hand in hand with developers, Langley Township continue to force a plan that will change the landscape of Brookswood from a community with rural (“Horse capital of BC”) roots to a crowded urban wasteland of row housing and condos just like so many other communities in the Lower Mainland. We believe Langley Township is listening to the wrong people, and we wonder if the planners and “experts” who have devised this plan actually live in this community. It seems the Township doesn't care about keeping our community a beautiful place to live, where people can own larger properties with big trees, they just care about squeezing as many people (and as many tax dollars) out of the land as they possibly can. Don't let them do this to us and our wonderful community, don't let them destroy where we live the same way they did Willoughby! We CAN stop them! Gather together to save our homes and save the brooks and woods in Brookswood. Make your voice heard. Contact the Township of Langley, attend their meetings to find out what they have planned for your neighbourhood, voice your disapproval!

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Developer Gloom and Doom.

 Times are a changing.

Developers may lose their shirts over Brookswood/Fernridge and be the cause of unemployment for their camp followers.

5 year mortgages are coming up, and people will be facing rate shock when suddenly confronted by much higher rates of interest - plus other loans like home equity are now over 7%. People, hooked on debt, have overextended themselves and many will have to sell their houses, and their toys.

They won't be buying condos and townhouses. 

There will likely be more dwellings on the market on top of a large glut of condos nearing completion in the near future from other developers who hope to sell their large inventory. They will try to sell to a market who will no longer be able to afford the prices they are asking. Sparking not bidding wars but competing percentage discounts after the promotions fail to bear fruit. Then the foreign owners will start to sell their empty condos, and there are many of those.

Black days ahead for the real estate market.

The Bank of Canada is not done with their rate hikes yet - a 1/2% increase alone just in the last two months. To give you an idea about how high they could go the B of C went as high as 18% in the 1980s to combat inflation.

And it's much more expensive to build these days with inflation going up monthly.

Many developers locked themselves into high cost loans themselves and just bought the 'development' land at the height of the market, paying top dollar, and there's lot's of competition out there.

Scary stuff for them as they have much to lose.

Martini construction knows this and has halted construction on the corner of 208th and 42nd. and are trying to rent their lot out for storage. They know what's coming.

This is no longer 2014 where people from other countries were knocking on doors trying to get people to sell to them. High immigration may not last long with the Federal Liberals facing low approval ratings, and new controls and taxes on foreign ownership and speculation is removing the grease from the housing market wheels. Lately the Liberals have been bringing in mostly lower income people who developers love to employ but who cannot afford houses, townhouses, or even condos.

Things are slowing down.

Lot's of things to worry about these days. If I was a developer I would be shaking in my boots.

Brookswood/Fernridge may just be their undoing...

Monday, July 10, 2023

Write to TOL Council before 7pm.

 It can be short and sweet.

But it has to be before 7pm to be counted. 

Even something short like: 'I don't want Willoughby type development and population density in Brookswood/Fernridge! Then add your name and address.

Public Meeting tonight at the Township Hall! Be there!

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Not even Jack Froese wanted population numbers to go as high as 62,000!

2012. Q: So Brookswood/FR residents what do you think of the density in our plan? A: We don't want high density. 2014. So Brookswood/FR residents what do you think of this level of density? A: We don't want high density. 2017. So Brookswood/FR residents what do you think of this density? A: We don't want high density! 2023. So Brookswood/FR residents we increased the density to 62,000! What do you think of this? A: We don't want high density!!!

Remember this? Now they want 62,000!

This is one of the triggers that caused so much anger the last time...

Monday, April 15, 2013...

Whoa! Population spike on a whim!

Quote from latest draft land use plan:

'Population Summary 

The population forecast for the area, based on proposed Land Use Designations, is approximately 42,000 people.'


Wow!  That is quite the sudden population increase from 36,000!!  Or 33,600 or even 32,000 as stated in the questionnaire last time...

Yes, yes, it's just an estimate you say.  But if we can't trust you to come up with proper estimates what can we trust you with?  If I was managing you, we would be having a little talk behind closed doors.

It makes one wonder if the planning department really knows what they are doing.  It also shows an offensively disdainful regard for the residents of Langley, the same residents that you milk for votes and tax revenue.

The people of Brookswood were lead-by-the-nose to view a presentation involving 3 options only!  You can't combine or mix, or befuddle, blend, defuse, finesse or slime those carefully manipulated distinct options into any sort of hybrid without us howling blue murder!

Doesn't the planners and politicians understand that we (the present residents and lion share of the property owners, tax payers and voters in Brookswood) Don't want to live in high density.

You did it elsewhere don't do it here!

This gives you the appearance of being money-grubbing, crooked and OBTUSE 

I feel a betrayal will be ensured when this thing (which shouldn't have been attempted in the first place) comes down the line...

Oh and by-the-way having almost half of all the undeveloped land mass in Brookswood designated 6 units (houses) per acre is a 150% increase in density compared to what exists presently in Brookswood.