Speaking from experience as police officer in the past I must point out that you have to pester these criminals (potential or otherwise) to keep them from getting two comfortable within an area. ie. walking patrols and in-house security with cameras - no one involving themselves in crime likes to have a camera pointed at them. If you keep them moving they have a hard time setting up to sell drugs or involve themselves in prostitution.
You can't instigate so called 'programs' and expect crime to go away. You have to roll up your sleeves, actively fight it, and always keep at it. And you can't be risk adverse for there is much at stake. Langley isn't a town any more so the same rules don't apply.
Just like invasive weeds you have to dig them out and keep on digging. You have to keep at them or they will take over. This IS priority one in Langley now for criminals are taking root.
Unfortunately the Langley's have been attracting these sorts of people and word is spreading. Langley City has a problem, and it will get bigger. It will be the next downtown east side...
Now is the time to take a hard stand!
Quick Suggestions:
Note to police and local government - think creatively!
- City and Township - hire security guards with communications monitored by police dispatch and give them cameras to point at suspicious people.
- Don't discourage volunteer citizen patrols yet go further and educate them, they are going to do it anyway so you might as well tell what they can and can't do, equip them if you can, and get them to sign disclaimers. They make great eyes and ears. Do discourage police from looking down upon them.
We did look down upon them at Richmond RCMP. Any help the police can get the better - it's just all about management.
- Two person police cars. The officers take turns doing foot patrols in parks while the other lights up the area with a spot light.
- Bylaw officers should do foot patrols through our parks and i.d. people involved in low risk crime (again show the flag.)
- Police cary high power flash lights when on foot patrols - criminals don't like that.
- Patrols should be repeated at odd times during the day and night. A park should not be considered patrolled just once a shift.
- Police should be driving more fuel efficient cars (as it stands I can't imagine the fuel costs for such large cars and SUVs!) and should use them for more patrols during the night in and around our neighbourhoods shining spotlights. If the police are moving and lighting up the dark then the criminals will be kept on the move as well and will have less opportunity to commit crime...
- Parks shut down at night.
- There are an unusually large number of pharmacies in Langley, each one is dispensing methadone. Make a rule that only one of them can dispense methadone each day. This will cut down on the amount of junkies coming to town and make them work for it a bit more for their suppliers move around. A lazy junkie is a complacent junkie, a complacent junkie stays a junkie.
- Install direct to police/security wireless call stations that can't be tampered with in parks and problem areas so people can call in suspicious activity. Maintain them!
- Fake cameras in static areas with motion activated red lights.
- Motion activated strobe lights that light up at night if people linger in problem areas too long.
- Bright short duration sensor lights in problem areas.
- Motion activated camera flashes in problem areas (makes criminals feel like they are having their photos taken.
- Police encouraged to do paperwork in problem areas to 'show the flag.'
- More bike and foot patrols by the same officers so they get to know people.
- Dedicate a Police-Community liaison officer to proactively interface with with business people, property managers, etc. There should be an informal schedule. Feedback should be solicited.
- Create incentives for bus drivers, taxi drivers, garbage men, etc. to immediately report suspicious activity. For as the city grows and they are exposed to more crap the less they will care, unless reminded that it's in their best interests to call stuff-in.
- Make every prostitute caught in Langley go through a medical exam - they don't like doing that, and will avoid Langley in the future (remember dugs and prostitution go everywhere hand in hand.)
- Langley RCMP should have a dedicated rehab cell for druggies - make it nice, and provide a nurse to hold their hands so the human rights people, politicians with no backbone, and news papers won't object. Paint it pink or a colour that is similar. It can be a place where they can go through cold turkey withdrawal or at least part way. The room will get a reputation and people who do drugs will be less likely to come here.
- Form a dedicated vice squad who's primary objective is to effect gorilla investigations, to interdict and pester people involved in drugs and prostitution - not to form charges for that is expensive and time consuming, they are mainly there to form an information database and keep crime from spreading. Keep them on the move.
- The RCMP should create 'constable apprenticeships' as a more permanent auxiliary member. 1. After a basic training these people are less expensive than full constable during their training time. 2. They can help out an underpowered organization. 3. They form good people for their future ranks.
- Constant maintenance in the area. If something gets broken or graffiti is sprayed on things clean it up right away. Municipal maintenance people shouldn't complain about being proactive about this for they are getting paid well to do it. Broken window theory...
- Important: City, Township and police all have to work together on this. Ask the hard questions and deal concisely with the hard issues. Do what has to be done and don't blame or point fingers, just keep going and get things in place. If Langley City needs a hand from Township then give it freely and vise-versa. Or parts of both Langley's will become cesspools - that is if they haven't already...
- Care more about the the people already here who built this wonderful community and have maintained it instead of those invading it and tearing it apart...
Speaking from experience as police officer in the past I must point out that you have to pester these criminals (potential or otherwise) to keep them from getting two comfortable within an area. ie. walking patrols and in-house security with cameras - no one involving themselves in crime likes to have a camera pointed at them. If you keep them moving they have a hard time setting up to sell drugs or involve themselves in prostitution.
You can't instigate so called 'programs' and expect crime to go away. You have to roll up your sleeves, actively fight it, and always keep at it. And you can't be risk adverse for there is much at stake. Langley isn't a town any more so the same rules don't apply.
Just like invasive weeds you have to dig them out and keep on digging. You have to keep at them or they will take over. This IS priority one in Langley now for criminals are taking root.
Unfortunately the Langley's have been attracting these sorts of people and word is spreading. Langley City has a problem, and it will get bigger. It will be the next downtown east side...
Now is the time to take a hard stand!
Quick Suggestions:
Note to police and local government - think creatively!
- City and Township - hire security guards with communications monitored by police dispatch and give them cameras to point at suspicious people.
- Don't discourage volunteer citizen patrols yet go further and educate them, they are going to do it anyway so you might as well tell what they can and can't do, equip them if you can, and get them to sign disclaimers. They make great eyes and ears. Do discourage police from looking down upon them.
We did look down upon them at Richmond RCMP. Any help the police can get the better - it's just all about management.
- Two person police cars. The officers take turns doing foot patrols in parks while the other lights up the area with a spot light.
- Bylaw officers should do foot patrols through our parks and i.d. people involved in low risk crime (again show the flag.)
- Police cary high power flash lights when on foot patrols - criminals don't like that.
- Patrols should be repeated at odd times during the day and night. A park should not be considered patrolled just once a shift.
- Police should be driving more fuel efficient cars (as it stands I can't imagine the fuel costs for such large cars and SUVs!) and should use them for more patrols during the night in and around our neighbourhoods shining spotlights. If the police are moving and lighting up the dark then the criminals will be kept on the move as well and will have less opportunity to commit crime...
- Parks shut down at night.
- There are an unusually large number of pharmacies in Langley, each one is dispensing methadone. Make a rule that only one of them can dispense methadone each day. This will cut down on the amount of junkies coming to town and make them work for it a bit more for their suppliers move around. A lazy junkie is a complacent junkie, a complacent junkie stays a junkie.
- Install direct to police/security wireless call stations that can't be tampered with in parks and problem areas so people can call in suspicious activity. Maintain them!
- Fake cameras in static areas with motion activated red lights.
- Motion activated strobe lights that light up at night if people linger in problem areas too long.
- Bright short duration sensor lights in problem areas.
- Motion activated camera flashes in problem areas (makes criminals feel like they are having their photos taken.
- Police encouraged to do paperwork in problem areas to 'show the flag.'
- More bike and foot patrols by the same officers so they get to know people.
- Dedicate a Police-Community liaison officer to proactively interface with with business people, property managers, etc. There should be an informal schedule. Feedback should be solicited.
- Create incentives for bus drivers, taxi drivers, garbage men, etc. to immediately report suspicious activity. For as the city grows and they are exposed to more crap the less they will care, unless reminded that it's in their best interests to call stuff-in.
- Make every prostitute caught in Langley go through a medical exam - they don't like doing that, and will avoid Langley in the future (remember dugs and prostitution go everywhere hand in hand.)
- Langley RCMP should have a dedicated rehab cell for druggies - make it nice, and provide a nurse to hold their hands so the human rights people, politicians with no backbone, and news papers won't object. Paint it pink or a colour that is similar. It can be a place where they can go through cold turkey withdrawal or at least part way. The room will get a reputation and people who do drugs will be less likely to come here.
- Form a dedicated vice squad who's primary objective is to effect gorilla investigations, to interdict and pester people involved in drugs and prostitution - not to form charges for that is expensive and time consuming, they are mainly there to form an information database and keep crime from spreading. Keep them on the move.
- The RCMP should create 'constable apprenticeships' as a more permanent auxiliary member. 1. After a basic training these people are less expensive than full constable during their training time. 2. They can help out an underpowered organization. 3. They form good people for their future ranks.
- Constant maintenance in the area. If something gets broken or graffiti is sprayed on things clean it up right away. Municipal maintenance people shouldn't complain about being proactive about this for they are getting paid well to do it. Broken window theory...
- Important: City, Township and police all have to work together on this. Ask the hard questions and deal concisely with the hard issues. Do what has to be done and don't blame or point fingers, just keep going and get things in place. If Langley City needs a hand from Township then give it freely and vise-versa. Or parts of both Langley's will become cesspools - that is if they haven't already...
- Care more about the the people already here who built this wonderful community and have maintained it instead of those invading it and tearing it apart...
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