Working hand in hand with developers, Langley Township continue to force a plan that will change the landscape of Brookswood from a community with rural (“Horse capital of BC”) roots to a crowded urban wasteland of row housing and condos just like so many other communities in the Lower Mainland. We believe Langley Township is listening to the wrong people, and we wonder if the planners and “experts” who have devised this plan actually live in this community. It seems the Township doesn't care about keeping our community a beautiful place to live, where people can own larger properties with big trees, they just care about squeezing as many people (and as many tax dollars) out of the land as they possibly can. Don't let them do this to us and our wonderful community, don't let them destroy where we live the same way they did Willoughby! We CAN stop them! Gather together to save our homes and save the brooks and woods in Brookswood. Make your voice heard. Contact the Township of Langley, attend their meetings to find out what they have planned for your neighbourhood, voice your disapproval!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Brookswood OCP Redux...

They are going to try and resurrect the Brookwood OCP.  I'm sure the developers are pushing hard for this and are more than gently reminding members of our council of the money they gave to their campaigns or discussing their future support in some secret way...

Might I remind council that the 2014 input and findings are what caused such an uproar, a demonstration, a march, signs everywhere, bad provincial press, and multiple night marathon counsel meetings containing angry residents.

People were angry with the bate-and-switch techniques used in the planning process and the general dishonesty by withholding information and attempts at spin...

It is this dishonesty displayed during the planning process and the fact that the GNAC had direct access to the planner and was influencing the outcome that further aggravated residents causing them to act.

The resulting bias made the 2014 report unreliable and suspect.

If there is an attempt to use the 2014 findings I suspect there will be a repeat of the outrage shown a year ago as many on the counsel may remember.

But then again we are destined to make the same mistakes over and over again until we learn our lesson, so why would our local politicians be any different?

Friday, March 27, 2015

Flooding in Langley City

WOW, that's a lot of rain coming down lately!

You know the developers haven't left many trees behind in Willoughby et all to slow the water down that is soaking us all from the sky.  I wonder if this will cause flooding in Langley City and the low lying areas of Langley Township?

If so it could be costly and take much to initiate and manage the extraordinary measures at flood control as a result.

Would that be called negligence on the part of the TOL Planning department and the Developers who were in such a rush to tear up all the trees to slap together their versions of buildings?

There is no wonder why the city of Langley was so interested in the OCP fight a year ago.  They knew they were going to have flood issues if a mass high density development happened in Brookswood.

It's going to be an interesting future in the two Langley's.