Interesting. How to hide things in plain sight.
I knew it was all about money but I didn't think is was that bad. It appears here that the Township and its planners have been bought. One would think that any money provided to the township, even if it's to be paid back, is a pay-off plain and simple. This also appears to have caused the hiring of a costly independent consultant instead of using less expensive township services already in place. It also gives the impression that the township is a partner, who will receive money as proceeds of development and thus has a vested interest in pushing the new plan through. So this is how it works it seems. I feel this whole process is a farce and we are just being manipulated.
One thing though, the members of the corporation must be chewing their fingernails with impatience in the face of inevitable interest rate hikes in the future or the downturn in rich foreign investors. Of course we the tax payers will face larger rate hikes if this convoluted plan doesn't work they way they want it to.
Amazing, after seeing this sort of stuff it kind of makes you feel like we are all cows to be milked for votes and tax revenue to benefit local stake holders and then we are passed around to their buddies so they can fill their pails too.
I knew it was all about money but I didn't think is was that bad. It appears here that the Township and its planners have been bought. One would think that any money provided to the township, even if it's to be paid back, is a pay-off plain and simple. This also appears to have caused the hiring of a costly independent consultant instead of using less expensive township services already in place. It also gives the impression that the township is a partner, who will receive money as proceeds of development and thus has a vested interest in pushing the new plan through. So this is how it works it seems. I feel this whole process is a farce and we are just being manipulated.
One thing though, the members of the corporation must be chewing their fingernails with impatience in the face of inevitable interest rate hikes in the future or the downturn in rich foreign investors. Of course we the tax payers will face larger rate hikes if this convoluted plan doesn't work they way they want it to.
Amazing, after seeing this sort of stuff it kind of makes you feel like we are all cows to be milked for votes and tax revenue to benefit local stake holders and then we are passed around to their buddies so they can fill their pails too.
This backgrounder is intended to provide information about the Griffith Neighbourhood Advisory Corp.and its relationship with the Township as well as its role in the Brookswood/Fernridge Community Plan and Griffith Neighbourhood Plan processes.
Griffith Neighbourhood Advisory Corp. (“GNAC”) was incorporated on May 9, 2011 as a British Columbia private company following the submission of a petition by the majority of the
landowners (of those lands depicted in the map attached to this Backgrounder) requesting a new neighbourhood plan. This conforms to Township Policy No. 07-221 Neighbourhood Plan:
Initiation & Process. The neighbourhood plan area was renamed by Council in September 2012 as the “Griffith Neighbourhood”. GNAC was incorporated to act as the representative of all the owners within the Griffith Neighbourhood in working with the Township to prepare a new
Neighbourhood Plan for the Griffith Neighbourhood.
GNAC does not own any lands within Brookswood/Fernridge or the Griffith Neighbourhood itself, nor does it develop real estate.
GNAC has 10 participating shareholders, all of whom are owners of properties within the Griffith Neighbourhood ranging in size from 4.55 to 10 acres. The shareholders have collectively contributed $500,000 to be used to provide up-front funding of the costs of hiring a consultant and a Township planner to complete the process of updating the current Brookswood/Fernridge Community Plan and preparing the new Neighbourhood Plan for the Griffith Neighbourhood.
Most of this funding will be returned to the GNAC shareholders in the future through a
neighbourhood planning administration fee to be charged by the Township on new development of lands located within Griffith Neighbourhood.
GNAC has two directors: Cameron Gair who is a long-time resident of the Township and Brian R. Canfield who is an owner of property in the Griffith Neighbourhood. Misters Gair and Canfield have significant experience with developments generally. Mr. Gair is the agent or representative of a number of GNAC shareholders, as well as other land owners within Brookswood/Fernridge, but does not personally or corporately own any lands within this area.
Mr. Gair is President and spokesperson for GNAC. He can be reached at 604.530.4141

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