Working hand in hand with developers, Langley Township continue to force a plan that will change the landscape of Brookswood from a community with rural (“Horse capital of BC”) roots to a crowded urban wasteland of row housing and condos just like so many other communities in the Lower Mainland. We believe Langley Township is listening to the wrong people, and we wonder if the planners and “experts” who have devised this plan actually live in this community. It seems the Township doesn't care about keeping our community a beautiful place to live, where people can own larger properties with big trees, they just care about squeezing as many people (and as many tax dollars) out of the land as they possibly can. Don't let them do this to us and our wonderful community, don't let them destroy where we live the same way they did Willoughby! We CAN stop them! Gather together to save our homes and save the brooks and woods in Brookswood. Make your voice heard. Contact the Township of Langley, attend their meetings to find out what they have planned for your neighbourhood, voice your disapproval!

Sunday, June 11, 2017


The following will be protested:

1. Density levels being more than Fort Langley and Murrayville.

2. Willoughby building practices including row housing and apartments.

3. Lot sizes less than 7000 square feet.

4. Any attempt to slip in 4000 square foot lots as 'Back fill' or On Site Density Transfers.

4. Brookswood-Fernridge borders being changed (without proper door to door public consultation) pushing Fernridge north well into the borders of Brookswood.

5. Widening of roads to 4 lanes which will destroy the character of the community.

6. Widening of 42nd, 40th 36th and 24th Avenue beyond the width they are now.

7. Town centres that go beyond the size and character of the Brookswood town centre as it stands not just add elements that emulates the look of a town centre while adding density like done by developers in Willoughby.

8. Non responsible and greedy developer practices.

9. Any attempt to change our wonderful, natural, community into a people packing, property racketeering, pocket padding, developer/planner playground like Willoughby.

This is our community not yours, not the planner's, not some planning consultant's, not the developers.

Respect us and the place we live!

Just because some plan has been created doesn't mean we stop - nothing is written in stone.

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