1 comment:

AnonymousMarch 7, 2014 at 8:59 AM
am a Brookswood resident living on 196th Street. I would urge fellow
residents to check out the OCP for Surrey. (I am on the east side of
196th, the west side is Surrey) Their OCP has a land use designation for
the west side of 196th as "mixed employment". This designation spans
from approx.. 20th Ave. to 44th Ave all along 196th. Mixed Employment by
Surrey's definition includes "industrial, commercial, office and
business uses, NOT suitable in town centres or commercial centres". (but
apparently very suitable across the street from our residential area!!)
Hmm, and we were all confused why 196th in the Townships OCP was
designated as a four lane hwy...the reasons are becoming clear! It makes
me question whose interests the council really has in mind. Surrey is
holding their OCP Public Hearing on March 10th. I for one will be there!
C. Friedrich
I am a Brookswood resident living on 196th Street. I would urge fellow residents to check out the OCP for Surrey. (I am on the east side of 196th, the west side is Surrey) Their OCP has a land use designation for the west side of 196th as "mixed employment". This designation spans from approx.. 20th Ave. to 44th Ave all along 196th. Mixed Employment by Surrey's definition includes "industrial, commercial, office and business uses, NOT suitable in town centres or commercial centres". (but apparently very suitable across the street from our residential area!!) Hmm, and we were all confused why 196th in the Townships OCP was designated as a four lane hwy...the reasons are becoming clear! It makes me question whose interests the council really has in mind. Surrey is holding their OCP Public Hearing on March 10th. I for one will be there! C. Friedrich